LISTEN TO SOUNDS BY CITY: Aarhus, Adas, Albany, Aluksne, Amsterdam, Ashland, Atlanta, Baltimore, Bamako, Bangkok, Barcelona, Beijing, Belo horizonte, Bergen, Berlin, Bilbao, Binghamton, Birmingham, Blue ridge, Bogota, Bordeaux, Bristol, Brussels, Budapest, Buffalo, Cairo, Calcutta, Camberwell, Caracas, Catania, Champaign, Chandigarh, Chernogorsk, Chernomorsk, Chicago, Cluj napoca, Colombo, Cork, Corvallis, Crawfordsville, Dakar, Dresden, Dundee, Ekaterinburg, Enschede, Esquerdes, Formello, Frankfurt, Genzano di roma, Glasgow, Gothenburg, Granada, Graz, Halifax nova scotia, Hamburg, Helsinki, Hong kong, Ioannina, Istanbul, Izmir, Jaipur, Jarvenpaa, Koln, Kryviy ryh, Kyiv, Lexington, Lisboa, Liverpool, Ljubiana, London, Los angeles, Louisville, Luzern, Madrid, Manchester, Marrakesch, Marseille, Medford, Milano, Minneapolis, Montevideo, Montpellier, Montreal, Moscow, Munich, Napoli, New york, Palma, Pamplona, Paris, Pavia, Perugia, Phoenix, Portland, Porto, Prague, Rabat, Rennes, Rome, Rotterdam, Salzburg, San fiorenzo, San francisco, San sebastian, Santa terezinha, Sao paulo, Seoul, Shanghai, St. petersburg, Stavanger, Stromboli, Stuttgart, Suzhou, Taipei, Tallinn, Tel aviv, Thessaloniki, Tokyo, Toronto, Toulouse, Trieste, Trondheim, Ulm, Utrecht, Venezia, Vienna, Vila nova de gaia, Wroclaw, Zurich

LISTEN TO SOUNDS BY MOOD: ambient, atmosphere, beat, birds, boredom, churches, industrial, mechanical, miscellaneous, music, noisy, people, rhythm, sirens, speaking, traffic, travel, voices, weather


city=cork  mood=weather
size=0.02Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=3 seconds  
date=2004-06-21  recorderd by=STANZA
description=voice slow

city=cork  mood=weather
size=0.29Mb  bitrate=128kpbs  duration=18 seconds  
date=2016-12-22  recorderd by=STANZA
description=Dripping water and hum

city=dresden  mood=weather
size=0.04Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=5 seconds  
date=2004-06-18  recorderd by=STANZA
description=jangles in wind

city=sao paulo  mood=weather
size=0.06Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=8 seconds  
date=2004-06-18  recorderd by=STANZA
description=Water with muffle

city=sao paulo  mood=weather
size=3.86Mb  bitrate=96kpbs  duration=322 seconds  
date=2013-03-11  recorderd by=decayer
description=Rainy night, ambient sound

city=sao paulo  mood=weather
size=1.38Mb  bitrate=96kpbs  duration=115 seconds  
date=2013-04-13  recorderd by=decayer
description=Rainy night with cars and music

city=rotterdam  mood=weather
size=0.38Mb  bitrate=192kpbs  duration=16 seconds  
date=2015-04-10  recorderd by=STANZA
description=Rain on a gutter

city=new york  mood=weather
size=0.38Mb  bitrate=192kpbs  duration=16 seconds  
date=2018-05-15  recorderd by=STANZA
description=Raining heavy and its outside on drain

city=new york  mood=weather
size=0.54Mb  bitrate=192kpbs  duration=23 seconds  
date=2018-05-15  recorderd by=STANZA
description=Not a day to go out more rain

city=aarhus  mood=weather
size=0.19Mb  bitrate=127kpbs  duration=8 seconds  
date=2009-08-16  recorderd by=Jakob H. Andersen
description=Rain on car roof. Recorded outside the car.

city=aarhus  mood=weather
size=0.23Mb  bitrate=127kpbs  duration=10 seconds  
date=2009-08-16  recorderd by=Jakob H. Andersen
description=Rain water running into sewer.

city=trieste  mood=weather
size=0.16Mb  bitrate=127kpbs  duration=8 seconds  
date=2009-09-06  recorderd by=Ricreatorio Ricceri
description=Wind Bora

city=chicago  mood=weather
size=1.04Mb  bitrate=128kpbs  duration=65 seconds  
date=2011-10-19  recorderd by=nattydred76
description=State and Wacker downtown near the river

city=beijing  mood=weather
size=3.21Mb  bitrate=127kpbs  duration=134 seconds  
date=2010-05-05  recorderd by=kactus
description=Cord flags flapping

city=beijing  mood=weather
size=2.17Mb  bitrate=128kpbs  duration=135 seconds  
date=2011-09-05  recorderd by=jaq_cucems
description=Thunderstorm in this summer

city=hamburg  mood=weather
size=0.30Mb  bitrate=192kpbs  duration=13 seconds  
date=2015-04-10  recorderd by=STANZA
description=Heavy Rain on Metal

city=albany  mood=weather
size=4.33Mb  bitrate=160kpbs  duration=217 seconds  
date=2011-02-10  recorderd by=ruperthemoose
description=Summer Thunder Storm 2010

city=champaign  mood=weather
size=0.28Mb  bitrate=68kpbs  duration=33 seconds  
date=2016-09-14  recorderd by=heatherjones
description=Crosswalk noises on a rainy morning

city=bordeaux  mood=weather
size=0.40Mb  bitrate=128kpbs  duration=25 seconds  
date=2017-06-23  recorderd by=Paul
description=Place Camille Hostein

city=aluksne  mood=weather
size=0.09Mb  bitrate=128kpbs  duration=6 seconds  
date=2013-10-13  recorderd by=windomearle
description=Car on water

city=kyiv  mood=weather
size=0.75Mb  bitrate=192kpbs  duration=32 seconds  
date=2013-05-27  recorderd by=Kulchytsky
description=Kyiv rain near Babyn Jar

city=louisville  mood=weather
size=1.05Mb  bitrate=320kpbs  duration=26 seconds  
date=2014-03-26  recorderd by=jaclyn
description=By the swings on the river front

city=minneapolis  mood=weather
size=0.29Mb  bitrate=128kpbs  duration=19 seconds  
date=2014-10-30  recorderd by=Dougee273
description=Rain And Thunder

city=enschede  mood=weather
size=0.50Mb  bitrate=192kpbs  duration=21 seconds  
date=2015-04-10  recorderd by=STANZA
description=Rain down a drain pipe

city=baltimore  mood=weather
size=0.29Mb  bitrate=80kpbs  duration=29 seconds  
date=2015-10-22  recorderd by=sheeter1
description=Wind blowing through the pages of a book.

city=binghamton  mood=weather
size=0.26Mb  bitrate=128kpbs  duration=16 seconds  
date=2017-04-20  recorderd by=stitus
description=A car idles while it is raining

city=stavanger  mood=weather
size=0.23Mb  bitrate=128kpbs  duration=14 seconds  
date=2016-12-21  recorderd by=STANZA
description=Pitter Patter of rain

city=stavanger  mood=weather
size=0.08Mb  bitrate=128kpbs  duration=5 seconds  
date=2016-12-21  recorderd by=STANZA

city=stavanger  mood=weather
size=0.20Mb  bitrate=128kpbs  duration=12 seconds  
date=2016-12-21  recorderd by=STANZA
description=Rain In The Street.

city=stavanger  mood=weather
size=0.13Mb  bitrate=128kpbs  duration=8 seconds  
date=2016-12-21  recorderd by=STANZA
description=Raining harder

city=stavanger  mood=weather
size=0.71Mb  bitrate=320kpbs  duration=18 seconds  
date=2016-12-21  recorderd by=STANZA
description=Heavy rain

city=stavanger  mood=weather
size=0.18Mb  bitrate=128kpbs  duration=11 seconds  
date=2016-12-21  recorderd by=STANZA
description=Water everywhere. Rains alot.

city=colombo  mood=weather
size=1.07Mb  bitrate=192kpbs  duration=45 seconds  
date=2017-01-06  recorderd by=forager sound
description=Rain and Lightening in May 2016 recorded from a rooftop in Colombo

city=crawfordsville  mood=weather
size=0.20Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=24 seconds  
date=2017-01-31  recorderd by=Pjmays19
description=Crawfordsville at NIght Windy

city=stromboli  mood=weather
size=0.95Mb  bitrate=168kpbs  duration=45 seconds  
date=2019-12-14  recorderd by=eodaw
description=Windstorm in the wood by the sea. Il vulcano nel bosco

city=stromboli  mood=weather
size=0.14Mb  bitrate=61kpbs  duration=18 seconds  
date=2019-12-29  recorderd by=eodaw
description=Stromboli night windstorm Il vulcano nel bosco