LISTEN TO SOUNDS BY CITY: Aarhus, Adas, Albany, Aluksne, Amsterdam, Ashland, Atlanta, Baltimore, Bamako, Bangkok, Barcelona, Beijing, Belo horizonte, Bergen, Berlin, Bilbao, Binghamton, Birmingham, Blue ridge, Bogota, Bordeaux, Bristol, Brussels, Budapest, Buffalo, Cairo, Calcutta, Camberwell, Caracas, Catania, Champaign, Chandigarh, Chernogorsk, Chernomorsk, Chicago, Cluj napoca, Colombo, Cork, Corvallis, Crawfordsville, Dakar, Dresden, Dundee, Ekaterinburg, Enschede, Esquerdes, Formello, Frankfurt, Genzano di roma, Glasgow, Gothenburg, Granada, Graz, Halifax nova scotia, Hamburg, Helsinki, Hong kong, Ioannina, Istanbul, Izmir, Jaipur, Jarvenpaa, Koln, Kryviy ryh, Kyiv, Lexington, Lisboa, Liverpool, Ljubiana, London, Los angeles, Louisville, Luzern, Madrid, Manchester, Marrakesch, Marseille, Medford, Milano, Minneapolis, Montevideo, Montpellier, Montreal, Moscow, Munich, Napoli, New york, Palma, Pamplona, Paris, Pavia, Perugia, Phoenix, Portland, Porto, Prague, Rabat, Rennes, Rome, Rotterdam, Salzburg, San fiorenzo, San francisco, San sebastian, Santa terezinha, Sao paulo, Seoul, Shanghai, St. petersburg, Stavanger, Stromboli, Stuttgart, Suzhou, Taipei, Tallinn, Tel aviv, Thessaloniki, Tokyo, Toronto, Toulouse, Trieste, Trondheim, Ulm, Utrecht, Venezia, Vienna, Vila nova de gaia, Wroclaw, Zurich

LISTEN TO SOUNDS BY MOOD: ambient, atmosphere, beat, birds, boredom, churches, industrial, mechanical, miscellaneous, music, noisy, people, rhythm, sirens, speaking, traffic, travel, voices, weather


city=buffalo  mood=travel
size=4.24Mb  bitrate=80kpbs  duration=424 seconds  
date=2020-05-05  recorderd by=connororrico
description=walking home through city streets in evening, some cars but not too much

city=buffalo  mood=people
size=4.35Mb  bitrate=80kpbs  duration=435 seconds  
date=2020-05-05  recorderd by=connororrico
description=chatter of customers and the work of the employees at the cafe

city=buffalo  mood=atmosphere
size=4.90Mb  bitrate=128kpbs  duration=306 seconds  
date=2020-05-05  recorderd by=connororrico
description=concrete courtyard within abandoned childrens hospital in evening

city=buffalo  mood=rhythm
size=1.47Mb  bitrate=128kpbs  duration=92 seconds  
date=2020-05-05  recorderd by=connororrico
description=popping and sounds of flow from water rushing into street drain

city=buffalo  mood=traffic
size=1.98Mb  bitrate=128kpbs  duration=124 seconds  
date=2020-05-05  recorderd by=connororrico
description=underneath the skyway, a long highway bridge, cars overhead